Friday, June 18, 2010


Haven't been updating this site lately.  Was busy with my writing work that I could not find the time to write here.  I did a little bit of gardening too.  I transplanted the chili seedlings that the yaya planted.  Transplanted the lemongrass stalks that we placed in a water canister to help the roots grow.  Sadly, my ginger plant has been ravaged by a mouse so I had t transfer it to the other side of the house. My cilantro is starting to sprout too.  Can't wait for all of those to grow!

Sadly, I do not have the luxury of having a huge yard here so I just recycle the emply plastic bottles and plastic ice cream tubs as pots.  At least I'm doing a teey tiny bit of lessening the waste materials that we produce. My son has been asking for ice cream more often these days so I have a few more tubs sitting in my cabinet waiting to be used.  I have yet to buy the seeds that I can use as well as the potting mix for the soil.  Luckily, My landlord has a pile of gravel just outside the house so I get some from it to make a gravel bed on my pots.

I'll post pictures of my plants soon....